Manga genres in Japan and South Korea

For manga books submitted to Google Play in Japan and South Korea, Google created subject codes to help users find manga that interests them. To categorize your manga titles on Google Play, use these subject codes.

When you submit your metadata, you can provide subject codes individually through the Genre tab of your manga titles or you can submit a spreadsheet.

Add subject codes

For each book, add both:

  • An audience subject code:
    • For Boys
    • For Girls
    • For Young Men
    • For Children 
    • For Women 
  •  A content genre subject code:  All other categories are content genre subject codes. 
If one of your manga titles doesn't fit under any of the manga categories, use the BISAC category: Comics & Graphic Novels / General.
List of Manga subject codes

Important: Currently, category names can only be submitted in English. Category names in Japanese and Korean are for reference only.

ID Category name (English) Category name (Japanese) Category name (Korean)
MG001 For Boys 少年 소년만화
MG002 For Girls 少女 소녀만화
MG003 For Young Men 青年 남성
MG004 For Children 児童 어린이
MG005 For Women 女性 여성
MG006 Teens Love ティーンズラブ TL
MG007 Boys Love ボーイズラブ BL
MG008 Ladie's Comic レディース 여성코믹
MG009 Girls Love ガールズラブ GL
MG010 Anime/Movie アニメ化・実写化 원작만화
MG011 Anthology/Collections アンソロジー・短編集 만화모음집
MG012 Foreign Comic 海外コミック 외국만화
MG013 Sports スポーツ 스포츠
MG014 Science Fiction SF SF
MG015 Battle/Martial Arts/Action バトル・格闘・アクション 무협/액션
MG016 Essay/Day-to-day/Heartwarming エッセイ・日常・ほのぼの 에세이
MG017 Gag/Comedy ギャグ・コメディ 코믹
MG018 Suspense/Thriller サスペンス 스릴러
MG019 Human Drama ヒューマンドラマ 드라마
MG020 Fantasy ファンタジー・幻想 판타지
MG021 Horror 怪奇・ホラー 공포
MG022 Romantic Comedy ラブコメ 로맨틱코미디
MG023 Romance ラブストーリー 순정
MG024 School Drama 学園ドラマ 학원
MG025 Academic/Learning 教養・学習 교육
MG026 Non-Fiction 実話・体験 논픽션
MG027 Work/Business 職業・ビジネス 비즈니스
MG028 Detective/Mystery 推理・ミステリー 추리/미스테리
MG029 History 歴史・時代劇 역사
MG030* Slightly erotic Men's comics* ちょっとHな男性マンガ* 남성성인*
MG031 Cooking/Gourmet 料理・グルメ 요리/음식
MG032* Slightly erotic Women's comics* ちょっとHな女性マンガ* 여성성인*
MG033 Fairy Tales 童話・昔話・グリム童話 동화
MG034 Comic Magazines コミック雑誌 만화잡지

* Please note that images of nudity with no educational, artistic, historical, or documentary value are not permitted. For more information, see the section "Sexually explicit material" of our Publisher Content Policies.

Submit Manga subject codes in a spreadsheet
In a spreadsheet, submit Manga subject codes in this format:
  • One subject code with the schema specified in square brackets:
For Boys [Manga]
  • Multiple subject codes for the same title separated by a semi-colon:
For Boys [Manga]; Science Fiction [Manga]
  • Alternatively, you can use the subject code ID:
MG001 [Manga]
MG001 [Manga]; MG014 [Manga]

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