Frequently asked questions

Who can use the Google Arts & Culture platform?

The Google Arts & Culture platform is open to non-profit institutions, museums, galleries, and archives with copyright-free or copyright-cleared content that they would like to share.

The platform is accessible by invitation only.
How do I sign-up?

The Google Arts & Culture platform is accessible by invitation only. If you have cultural content that you would like to publish using the Google Arts & Culture platform, please request an invite on If eligible, we'll send you an invite via email.

Are there fees for using the Google Arts and Culture platform? 

The Google Arts & Culture platform is fully usable without a fee.

What is the Google Arts & Culture website?

We've partnered with many museums, archives and institutions to bring amazing cultural content together in one place: This is the Google Arts & Culture website.

Will I still own the rights to the images that I upload into the Google Arts & Culture platform?

Yes, you will. This is also reflected in our Terms of Service.

How quickly could our content become published on the Google Arts & Culture website?

The process can be as quick as a few months. The faster you accept the online agreement, familiarize yourself with the platform, and provide content and associated metadata, the quicker we'll be able to launch your content.

How about copyrighted content?

The Google Arts & Culture platform only accepts copyright-free or copyright-cleared images from partners. It is the partner’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate permissions to share images. Any copyright questions after an image goes live are directed to the partner and the partner can take down images based on copyright claims.

How is content uploaded into the Google Arts & Culture platform?

Our systems are designed to be very easy for our partners to use. Once invited to use the platform, our team is happy to provide the assistance needed to create, upload and maintain content.

Can partners continue to upload more images and related content after the initial launch of the content?

Absolutely. Our partners will get access to the system where they can maintain their content and exhibitions, as well as upload more images and related content at any time.

Will Google run advertising on the website or charge users a fee to access the content?

Google will neither directly monetize the content nor charge users a fee to access the content. We will not show ads on the website and always display the content in connection to Google Arts & Culture.


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