Search Campaign Construction (Google Ads mobile app)

Within the Google Ads mobile app, you can create a standard Search campaign and ad group. With just a few taps, you can complete the set up, and once your ad is approved, your campaign will go live.

1. Create a Search campaign

  1. On the campaigns table, tap the plus button
  2. Select campaign type.
    Note: If you are signed in to an MCC account, you will need to select the account for the campaign before the campaign type.

3. Toggle the categories you’d like to get results from (website visits, phone calls, app downloads). Each category will have a required field to be completed.

Website visits

Enter your business’s website.

Phone calls

Enter your business’s phone number.

App downloads

  1. Select your mobile app’s platform (such as Android or iOS).
  2. Tap Look up your app.
  3. Enter your mobile app name in the search bar.
  4. Tap on an app to select.

4. Tap Continue.

5. Enter a campaign name, budget, and focus. Within "Other settings", you can specify additional details: networks, dates, locations, languages, ad schedule, and ad rotation. Learn more about how to create a Search campaign

6. Tap Next.

Note: If you exit the campaign creation flow before completion, you may have the option to save your progress and any remaining steps will be shown in the campaigns "Overview" page

2. Set up an ad group

  1. Enter an ad group name.
  2. Depending on your selected bidding strategy, you may be asked to enter your default bid.
  3. Add keywords to the ad group either manually or through keyword ideas.

Add Keywords Manually

  1. Tap + Add a keyword.
  2. Enter your keyword.
  3. Select your desired match type. Learn more about keyword matching options
  4. Click Done.

Keyword Suggestions

  1. Tap Get keyword ideas.
  2. Search for the keyword ideas by entering your landing page, a related website, or a description of what your business offers.
  3. Select your desired keywords.
  4. Tap Done.

4. Tap Next.

Note: You are able to create and edit ad groups outside of the campaign creation process. To add an ad group to an existing campaign, tap the plus button on the ad groups table.

3. Create a responsive search ad

  1. Enter final URL, display URL, headlines, and descriptions.
  2. Tap Done.

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