Invite advertiser contacts to view their orders

You can invite advertisers to view orders, line items, creatives, and report screens for their campaigns. Advertisers will have read-only access and may not edit campaigns or reports. They also can't generate new reports that haven't been shared with them.

How contacts are different than users

Users and contacts are distinct entities in Ad Manager.

Users are able to sign into your Ad Manager account and use the application. The administrator for your account must create an account and assign a role to each user. All Ad Manager users must have a Google account.

Contacts are advertisers whom you've invited to view orders, line items, creatives, and reports for their campaigns. You can create a profile that contains contact information for each advertiser; when you save the profile, it sends an invitation to the contact. You can only allow a contact to view information for his or her own campaigns, and the contact will have read-only permission and cannot edit campaigns or reports. Advertisers that are invited to view their campaign information as contacts must have a Google account in order to sign in and view their orders.

There's no direct way to allow a contact to view data for multiple advertisers. However, if you define a company as an agency, you can then associate this agency and your contact with individual orders. When you invite the agency's contact, they will be able to see all of the orders that they are associated with.

Invite advertisers to view their campaign information

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin and then Access & authorization and then Contacts.
  3. Select an advertiser contact from the list or create a new one.
  4. Select the Invite contact to view his or her orders option
  5. Click Save.

In addition to sending an invite to view orders, advertiser contacts must also be explicitly added to each order to which you want them to have access.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Delivery and navigate to the detail view of the order you want the advertiser contact to be able to view.
  3. Click in the Advertiser contacts box.
  4. From the dropdown that appears, select the desired contact.
  5. Click Save.
You can add new contacts right from the Order detail view. After adding the additional Advertiser contacts field, you can click in the field to see an option to Add a new contact. If you add a contact in this way, you'll still need to invite the contact to view orders in the Admin section, as described above.

Advertisers that are invited to view their campaign information must have a Google Account in order to sign in and view their orders. If your contact got two emails after you sent an invitation, the contact most likely didn't have a Google Account. In these cases, your contact will receive an email with instructions on creating a Google Account, then a second email with instructions on accessing the report.

Data that's available during the contact setup process

The data that your contact can access depends on which stage of the sharing process they're in:

  • When you set up a new contact, the person will receive an invitation email. If they accept, they are redirected into the Ad Manager account but don't see any information unless an order is explicitly shared with them.
  • When you add a contact as a recipient of a report and you run the report, if the contact hasn't yet accepted the invitation, they'll receive a link to the report but no file attachment. They must click the link to accept the invitation in order to see the report.
  • If a report that you've scheduled runs but the contact hasn't yet accepted your invitation, the contact receives an email with a link to the report but no file attachment. Once the contact accepts the invitation, the scheduled report will run and the contact will receive another email, this time with the report attached.

What contacts can access

Contacts you invite to Ad Manager have read-only access to the following features:

  • Orders
  • Line items, including:
    • Flight dates
    • Cost type
    • Cost
    • Total cost
    • Quantity booked
    • Quantity delivered
    • Delivery indicator

Your contacts can't edit campaigns or reports, or generate new reports that haven't been shared with them.

If you share a report with an advertiser, that advertiser doesn't automatically have access to orders and line items. Advertisers can only view their campaign information if you specifically share those orders with them.
Some Ad Manager customers have partner management activated in their environment, including Video Solutions customers. If you have partner management activated and are an Ad Manager administrator, you'll see the "Finance" section. These customers have additional company types (partners). Contacts belonging to partners can be invited to view the partner portal just as advertiser contacts can be invited to view orders.

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