Manage Inventory

Manage requests for network access

For child publishers using Multiple Customer Management

An admin user or technical account manager can accept or decline a Multiple Customer Management invitation for inventory management that comes from a parent publisher.

If you receive an email request for inventory management from another network, you can click the link in the email to open the Ad Manager Admin page and approve or reject the request.

It is possible to have up to five parent publishers request and actively use Manage Inventory.

Manage a request in Ad Manager

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.

  2. Click Admin and then Multiple Customer Management to review all requests from parent publishers.
  3. Click the name of a single network. 
  4. Click Approve or Reject.

If you've already approved a parent publisher, you can use this page to revoke their access at any time.

Once the invitation is accepted, payment preferences may take up to 24 hours to take effect.

End the agreement

The parent or child publisher can end the agreement at any time after the agreement is accepted. 

If the agreement is ended, all delegated inventory will stop serving ads. Child publishers retain access to their account, and all inventory monetized by other parent publishers or the child publisher itself will continue to serve.

Check your invitation status (for child publishers) 

If you already have an Ad Manager account and your parent invited you by network code, you can check your invitation status as follows:

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Admin, then Multiple Customer Management, then Parent publishers.
    Your status shows under "Invitation status."

For details, review this table.

Child status Description
Approved The association request from the parent network is approved by the child network.
Pending The association request from the parent network is pending child network approval or rejection.
Rejected The association request from the parent network is rejected or revoked by the child network.
Withdrawn The association request from the parent network is withdrawn by the parent network.


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