Coming soon: June 29 edition

See what's coming to Display & Video 360 over the next few weeks

Understanding negative keyword targeting during COVID-19

We recommend removing COVID-19 negative keywords from your campaigns as they can significantly impact news publisher revenue and their ability to fund the essential reporting people need today. If you’re negatively targeting COVID-related keywords, you’ll soon see new warnings in the keyword targeting and advertiser’s brand control settings. By following the suggestions in the warnings, you can avoid overly constraining your targeting while still remaining brand safe. Learn more about navigating your campaigns through COVID-19

Manage Structured Data Files faster and avoid common formatting issues with Google Sheets download

You’ll soon be able to export Structured Data Files as a Google Sheet, in addition to the current .csv option. We recommend editing your files as a Google Sheet to avoid common formatting issues.

Unique Reach Audience reports coming soon to Display & Video 360

You’ll soon be able to use a new Unique Reach Audience report type in offline reporting to help answer the question “how many unique users within a particular demographic did my ad reach?” The report includes Age and Gender dimensions along with unique reach metrics, allowing you to report on delivery goals and to assess performance across different demographic slices.

ActiveView viewability data coming soon to Unique Reach reporting

You’ll soon see 6 new metrics in the Unique Reach and upcoming Unique Reach Audience report that allow you to measure how many unique users saw a viewable impression:

  • Unique Reach: Average Viewable Impression Frequency
  • Unique Reach: Viewable Impression Reach
  • % Viewable Composition Impressions
  • % Viewable Composition Reach
  • % Viewable Population Reach
  • Viewable Target Rating Points

New Path report types coming soon to offline reporting for deeper attribution analysis

Two new Path report types are coming soon to offline reporting. These Path reports will allow you to perform more robust attribution analyses over event paths directly in Report Builder to uncover insights like which sequences of creatives drove users to convert or which creatives commonly show as the last interaction before a conversion.

Dimension and metric selection will soon get easier in offline reporting. Instead of just returning exact matches, the search option will also return related options, making it easier to find the dimensions and metrics you need. For example, searching for “site” will return the App/URL dimension.

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