About expiring access to your Google Ads account

Expiring access allows you to assign people with temporary access to your Google Ads account. This feature lets you set an expiration date for access to your account which makes it easier to manage temporary users.

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You may occasionally bring in temporary users for your Google Ads account for various reasons like consultations. With expiring access, you can set a date when these temporary users’ access to your account will automatically end. This feature makes it easier to manage your account without worrying about manually removing other users’ accesses. You’ll also be less likely to worry about unauthorized access to your accounts if you set expiration dates for temporary users.

Expiring access also notifies users when their access is about to expire, or has already expired. As administrator of your Google Ads account, you’ll receive an email 7 days before, and one day before, an account’s temporary access expires. This allows you to extend their access, if needed, well before their access expires.

Anyone who you’ve assigned expiring access to your account will also receive an email 7 days before and one day before their access ends. This will give them time to work on your account and ensure they know when their access is going to expire.

When a user’s access expires, they’re removed from your Google Ads account. You and other administrators of your account will receive alerts when they’re removed.

Set and change access expiration dates

To set access expiration date for a new user, follow these steps.

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Admin iconAdmin Icon.
  2. Click Access and security.
  3. Click the plus button .
  4. Enter the email address for your invitee.
  5. A date prompt will appear on your page. Enter the expiration date you want for the user. The default expiration date is set to "Never".
  6. Select the access level for the new user.
  7. Click Send invitation.
  8. After the person accepts your email invitation, you'll receive a notification in your account. If you need to revoke their invitation, click Revoke in the "Actions" column.

To change the expiration date, follow these steps.

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Admin iconAdmin Icon.
  2. Click Access and security.
  3. Place your cursor over a user's expiration date in the "Access expires" column, then click the pencil iconEdit setting, pencil icon that appears to select a new expiration date for the user. They will receive an email notifying them of the new expiration date.

Changing the expiration date of users in your account won’t change their access levels.

Note: You can choose any date starting from the current calendar day as the access expiration date. Access expires at 11:59 PM on the date you've selected. The timezone used will be your account's timezone.

User access expiry

Google Ads will send emails to you and affected users 7 days before, and one day before, their access expires. Users whose access has expired will no longer show up in the table in your Access and security page. 

When a user’s access expires, they’re removed from your Google Ads account. You or another administrator will need to invite them again as a new user.

Frequently asked questions

What happens to the users when their access expires?

When a user’s access expires, they are removed from your Google Ads account. This means they can no longer make any changes or see information in your account. You’ll need to add them again as a new user to reinstate their access.

What timezone does the access expiry use?

The timezone used to calculate access expiration is the timezone used by your account. If you're working with people in other timezones, be sure to remind them that their access expiration date is based on your account's timezone, not theirs.

What are the default settings and changes to the user table?

By default, the “user access expiry” will be set to “Never.” The user table will now have an additional column, "Access Expires."

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