Apply Studio updates to rich media creatives

Use this article to handle Studio updates to your rich media creatives. You need to:

Find Studio updates in Campaign Manager 360

  1. View the Creatives tab of your advertiser.

  2. Look above your list of creatives. If you see an update alert message, you have updates.

    Sample alert message: 10 creatives in this advertiser have alerts.

    (You can also find update alerts in the creative itself, or in your campaign. But you have to view or open your creative at the advertiser level to resolve updates.)

  3. Click the creatives link in the update alert message (e.g., "10 creatives"). This shows you all the creatives that have updates.

  4. Hover over the alert icon next to any creative and click Resolve updates in the alert bubble that pops up. This opens a workflow to resolve updates. Move on to the section below for instructions.

Resolve Studio updates in Campaign Manager 360

Once your update workflow is open, use the steps below. For more details, check the FAQ.

  1. Select an update option.

    1. Check the Apply to related creatives checkbox at the bottom if you want to apply your updates to any other Campaign Manager 360 creatives in your account that are based on the same Studio source. If you don't see the checkbox, skip this step.

    2. Try the Preview creative button to preview each option. Or click View changes on the right to view all the update details.

    3. Click Continue when you're ready.

  2. Choose how to save your updates.

    1. You can save updates to your current creative or create a new creative with your updates that has no assignments. This choice applies to related creatives, too.

    2. Click Continue after you make your selection.

  3. Confirm updates. In the confirmation step, Campaign Manager 360 shows you a list of creatives affected by your updates. You can take some last steps here to:

    1. Change creative names in the "Creative" column (so you can tell which ones you are based on your latest updates).

    2. Preview creatives in the Preview column.

    3. Uncheck the boxes of any related creatives you do not want to update. You can't remove the primary creative you're updating.

    4. Click Confirm when you're ready.

If your updates remove exits from your creative, you may need to take some additional steps to update the creative's assigned ads. Move on to the resolve leftover URLs section below to resolve the issue after you finish with your edits.

Update FAQ

Overview of the process

Studio updates may change the function and appearance of your rich media creatives, including VPAID. This is important because many of these types of changes can only be made in Studio.

  1. A rich media creative is created in Studio.

  2. A Studio user sends a copy of the rich media creative to you in Campaign Manager 360. Studio users can send creatives to Campaign Manager 360 if you associate your Campaign Manager 360 advertiser with the Studio advertiser.

  3. After the Studio users sends the copy over to Campaign Manager 360, it appears on the "Creatives" tab of your advertiser. You can make your own changes to the copy and traffic it with Campaign Manager 360; your copy is separate from the source in Studio.

  4. The Studio user changes the original creative in Studio.

    The Studio publishes updates to these creatives, and update alerts appear in Campaign Manager 360 to let you know you can apply updates to your copies. These alerts appear next to your creatives in Campaign Manager 360.

  5. Once you see these updates, you can click the alerts and follow links to “resolve” them by deciding how they affect your Campaign Manager 360 creatives.

    You can choose to apply some or all of these Studio updates to your own version in Campaign Manager 360. You can also make a new creative based on the updates and leave your current creative unchanged. Or you can discard all updates and change nothing.

Note that new creatives and updates are not submitted to Campaign Manager 360 until they pass a QA process and reach the status of Trafficked in Studio.

How to choose an update option: Merged vs. Studio vs. Discard

Most imports use this option.

This option only imports updates that require Studio. Editable Campaign Manager 360 fields will not change. This means any settings you have already entered in Campaign Manager 360 will be preserved.

For example, merging will not change things like the name, landing pages, or other details you can edit in Campaign Manager 360. But it might update properties that can only be changed in Studio, such as how the creative expands, which file is used, or the number of exit events. See below for a full table of properties that merging can change.


This is less common.

The entire Studio creative will be imported into Campaign Manager 360. This will ignore any creative settings you have entered into Campaign Manager 360.

Keep in mind that the update workflow allows you to choose whether to save over your current creative or make a new version of that creative. If you save over your current creative, Campaign Manager 360 will overwrite your entire creative with the new Studio version. If you save as a new creative, Campaign Manager 360 will leave your current creative alone and make a new creative based on the new Studio version.

Discard This option ignores all updates. No changes from Studio will be imported into Campaign Manager 360.
What are related creatives?

Your Campaign Manager 360 account might have many rich media creatives based on the same Studio source. These are all "related" creatives.

When you have updates to a rich media creative, you can apply these updates to any or all of the "related" creatives in your account that are based on the same source in Studio. These creatives might be in any advertiser in your account.

For example, you might create several copies of your rich media creative and make minor edits for each campaign. These creatives are all based on the same original source in Studio. When Studio updates that source, you can apply the updates to some or all of your versions in Campaign Manager 360.

If you do not apply your choices to related creatives, you will need to resolve updates for each related creative individually. The advantage of this is that you can make different update choices for different creatives.

How do I check update details?

View the first step of your merge workflow. There are update options to merge, use Studio, or discard.

(Are you past this step? Just click 1. Select an update option on the upper left to return.)

Click View changes next to an update option. Here are the details:

  • Toggle between the Merged and Studio versions with the buttons on top. Note that these buttons do not change which version you select, just which details you're viewing.

  • Look under the "Action" column to see what property was updated, added, or removed in Studio.

  • Preview the current and updated versions by clicking the preview buttons in the column headers.

  • When you're done reviewing these details, click Continue. If you want to go back and choose a different version, click the back arrow on the upper left.

  • Click the preview button to preview either update version (merged or Studio). Learn more

Removing exits: It's a good idea to check whether your update option will remove one or more exits from your creative. If your updates remove an exit, you'll see a warning at the top of your list of changes. This means that you may need to take some additional steps to update the creative's assinged ads. Use the update exit URLs in assigned ads section below to resolve the issue after you finish with your edits.

Save current creative vs. save as new creative
  • Save current creative: Your import will apply to your current creative (and related creatives, if you chose to apply updates to them).

    • Merged: Imports Studio-only updates into your current creative.

    • Studio: Overwrites your current creative with the current Studio version.

  • Save as a new creative: Campaign Manager 360 will create a new rich media creative based on the Studio source. It will not update any existing creatives in Campaign Manager 360. If you chose to apply updates to related creatives, then Campaign Manager 360 will create one new rich media creative for every related creative as well. The new creatives will not have any assignments.

    • Merged: Creates one or more new creatives that keep your Campaign Manager 360 settings and import any updates that can only be made in Studio. If you apply to related creatives, each new creative will keep the Campaign Manager 360 settings of each related creative.

    • Studio: Creates one or more new creatives based entirely on the Studio creative. If you apply to related creatives, Campaign Manager 360 will create a new creative for each related creative. All the new creatives will be identical to each other, and identical to the version in Studio.

Update landing pages in assigned ads (optional)

You can skip this step unless your Studio updates removed an exit from your creative in Campaign Manager 360.

Studio updates can remove exit events from your creative. Once your creative has fewer exits, you may need to remove any leftover landing pages in the assigned ads. Campaign Manager 360 will show you a warning during the update workflow if this is the case.

Steps to resolve

  1. Open an ad that is assigned to your creative. Look under "Creative assignments" in your ad properties.

  2. Find the "Landing page" column and click Edit exit event landing page.

  3. Remove the extra exits.

  4. For any ads that are already running, you must generate new tags and send them to your publisher.

Why is it important to update landing pages?

Your ad can use custom landing pages for each assigned creative. If you set custom landing pages, they must correspond to exits in the creative. If Studio updates remove an exit, your ad may be left with an extra custom landing page. This can cause landing page issues.


Say a creative has three exits. You can set three custom landing pages for these exits in the assigned ad. That means the ad will use its own landing pages for these exits. But what if your Studio updates remove an exit from the creative? Now your creative has only two exits, but your ad still has three custom landing pages. In this case, you need to remove the extra exit from the ad.

Table of merge updates

"Merged" is the most common update choice. As discussed above, merging means that you only import changes that require Studio. Any field you can edit in Campaign Manager 360 will not change. Only Studio-specific properties change.

Campaign Manager 360
Name   x
Type x  
Version   x
Studio creative ID x  
Creative assets
Push-down settings   x
Backup image asset   x
Backup image asset name   x
Backup image asset reporting label   x
Backup image asset click-through URL   x
Backup image asset target window   x
Display properties (for various creative types)
Asset x  
Z-index   x
Position top   x        
Lock position (vertical)   x        
Position left   x        
Lock position (horizontal)   x        
Display start   x        
Display duration   x        
Browser behavior   x        
Creative parameters
Rich Media impressions URL (third-party)   x
Backup image impressions URL (third-party)   x
Custom placement tag parameters
Keyword parameters   x
Key-value parameters   x
Events: exits
Add/remove exit event x  
Reporting label   x
Click-through URL   x
Mode x  
Target type   x
Target window   x
Events: counters
Add/remove counters x  
Reporting label   x
Mode x  
Events: timers
Add/remove counters x  
Reporting label   x
Mode x  
Studio assets x  
Backup assets   x
Description   x
Ad ID/ISCI   x

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