
  1. Novedades de Google Flights

    Publicado el 5 de enero de 2022 A fin de mejorar la precisión de las estimaciones de las emisiones de los vuelos, actualizamos el Travel Impact Model con datos más específicos sobre la configuración de los asientos de aviones y los factores de carga de los pasajeros. El modelo ahora usa los datos a nivel de la flota de OAG para la configuración de asientos. Algunas aerolíneas no presentan la información de configuración de asientos en los itinerarios de vuelos, pero usan la misma configuración de asientos en todos sus aviones de un modelo determinado. En este caso, de forma predeterminada, se …
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  2. Flight queries on Google Search

    When you search for queries such as "flights to Paris" or "flights from Berlin to Paris," you may notice more visual- and entity-focused results. This experience aims to present users with rich and relevant information, helping you find the best next step on your search journey. This article explains some of the results you might see when you search for flights on Google Search. Airline options This unit gives users an overview of the different airlines offering flights on the searched route, along with directional price information for non-stop and connecting flights. These prices are gathere…
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  3. Train and Bus queries on Google Search

    When you search for queries such as "trains to Munich" or "buses from Madrid to Granada," you may notice more visual and entity focused results. This is a web result user experience that aims to: Present users with rich and relevant information for their searches Improve the visibility of the ecosystem (train and bus operators, aggregators and online travel agents) on the search results page Trains and buses schedule unit This unit gives users a list of available trains or buses for the user’s requested route, along with price information. These prices are gathered directly from our partners. …
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